Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Passionate Penny Pincher

For as long as I can remember, I have used a planner.  I remember when I was in high school and college,  I would write things down on a notebook to keep me on track with projects and assignments.  I then got married and still used a planner to help me.  My husband and I decided to homeschool our sons and I used a planner to keep their assignments on track and myself too with the household chores.  But I would get tired of having to write down the same chores and what day they needed to be done.

Fast track to 2020 where I stumbled upon Passionate Penny Pincher.  PPP was designed by Laurie Hise.  I finally found the planner I've been searching for.  In 2019 she launched her planner.  It seems that there were many ladies looking for the same thing.  She has a wonderful group of ladies that help her.  In the planner, she has a table for morning and evening chores for the whole week.  For each day, there are certain chores that can be done along with lines for what you're going to have for dinner, what you're grateful for, and how much money was spent that particular day.  For each month there is a budget worksheet.  

If you are looking for a planner that will help you even more, I would highly recommend this one.  Her website is very good and she offers so much more than just the planner.  She only has a few left but you also purchase the PDF for the planner.  Click on the link below to go to her website.

Passionate Penny Pincher

This is my planner for this year.

This is what my week looked like.
I am able to keep track of how much water I'm drinking
There are enough lines for me to add other things
that need to get done during the week.

This is the monthly budget worksheet.
I don't use it because I have an app
on my phone that I can input my expenses.

Laurie and her team have developed different recipes.
She the freezer meals, the summer menu meals,
and the slow cooker meals.
They can be purchased as recipes cards and the tin
or the PDF can be purchased and you can 
print the recipes yourself.
I chose the freezer and slow cooker meals
and printed them.  I took them to Office Depot
and had them bound.  In each one there are 
a weeks worth of recipes and also a shopping list.

Again, I highly recommend this planner.  It has helped me a lot and has helped me stay on track with all of my things.  Enjoy!

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