Friday, April 14, 2017


It's been kind of hard trying to get motivated in doing
any kind of landscaping or yard work in my back yard.
I have such a long list of things that I want to get done.
When I look at that list I just get unmotivated
because of all that I would like to get done.
I would especially like to get it done
before it gets horribly hot here in Florida.

The last two weeks I started pushing myself in
getting started and checking off the things
on my list to get my yard the way I want it.

Last year I took out two very large bushes 
next to the back porch.
That was a lot of work, but I got it done.
It laid bare for a year because
I had not decided what I wanted to do
I would keep changing my mind.

This week I finally decided what I wanted to do
and off I went to the nursery to purchase my plants,
soil, and black mulch.
I had been amending the soil because for a long
time with shredded leaves  and grass cuttings
because it's all sand.

At the nursery I bought three roses, two small dahlias, and five hostas.
I was very happy to get started on working
in the back yard and making it look like the way I want.
It took me pretty much all day to get everything done.
I'm very happy with the way things turned out.

 The area where I was making  the changes.

 After 25 years of service, my back hoe broke.

The three roses that I purchased are yellow and smell so good.

 The yellow rose is called Patrick.

 One of the dahlias

 Finished project.

The shade garden in a corner of the backyard.

I  am very pleased with the way things have turned out.
This has motivated me to continue my work
in the back yard and get it to look like I want.
Off to my next project!


  1. Thank you. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Now to finish the rest.
