It's hard to imagine that 2014 will end in a couple of days and 2015 will begin.
As I sit here and think about everything that has happened this year,
I'm just amazed as to how well things turned out.
Getting to spend time with my mom is always a blessing for me.
She is such an extraordinary woman.
She was a faithful wife to my father.
She is a great mother-in-law to my husband and my brother-in-law
By the way, those are his words.
She is an awesome grandmother .
Her patience is never ending.
I've been blessed with two great sons.
Even though they are not living at home anymore,
I treasure the memories I have of them
and love it it when they get to come home
and spend time with us.
My daughter-in-law has been an answer to our prayers.
She is an amazing wife to my son.
We could not have picked a more perfect lady for David.
My husband of 31 years has been ever so patient with me.
Jorge has been my rock.
With the health scares that I had this year, he was there for me.
I was diagnosed with an aneurysm on the optic nerve of my left eye
and lesions on my kidneys which my doctor told me it looks like cancer.
Jorge held me when I was crying and scared.
Thankfully, the Lord healed me and the aneurysm is gone and so are the lesions!
This year we found out that my mother-in-law was diagnosed
with cancer on her tongue. We were totally surprised
by the diagnosis because she never smoked.
Jorge and I made many trips to Chicago to help with her care
so that his brother was not left with the brunt of it.
It has been a difficult journey for all of us.
We are not sure what lays ahead for her,
but she is in good spirits and is happy.

Purchasing my very own motorcycle was a highlight for me.
I never thought that I would take that step.
I was always happy being a passenger
but riding my own motorcycle is great!
I am ever so glad I took lessons.
I am looking forward to 2015 to be able to ride more.

One of the most satisfying projects that I had this year
was making quilts for my son's military police unit.
His commander asked me back in June if I could provide
fifty quilts for the soldiers for the Christmas party.
I am ever so indebted to my friends from the two guilds that I belong.
The ladies from Redbud Quilt Guild and Evening Star Quilt Guild
helped me tremendously in getting fifty quilts made for the soldiers.
The quilts were a complete surprise to them.

As I end the year, I see changes coming up with my family.
My husband and I are selling our house and moving closer to his job.
It was a very hard decision to make because it means relocating
and leaving wonderful neighbors, great friends that we've had for 31 years,
our church, our kids from CRU at Ball State University.
The packing has already started and dejunking has begun.
We have an idea of where we want to move but no house yet.
The first thing on our agenda is to sell our house.
May the 2015 bring you many blessings and opportunities.
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