We've been living in our neighborhood for 19 years.
We been blessed with wonderful neighbors.
On the street that we live, everyone looks out for each other.
If there is a need, we're all there to help out.
I don't know what I would do had it not been for our neighbors.
Since we do a lot of traveling, they have taken care of our dog.
They take care of our home while we're gone.
For example, for my youngest son's graduation open house,
all or our neighbors helped.
One of them took pictures and helped with the food.
The others helped with the clean up and parking
of all of the vehicles.

We've helped each other during the winter cleaning
the snow out of each other's driveway.
We have checked on the older neighbors to make
sure that they are alright.

Our neighbors are wonderful.
We love where we live.
I don't think I would want to live any place else.
We love having our neighbors over
and we love their friendship.

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