Sunday, July 8, 2012


We are finally closer to home.  After two long and hard days on the road,
we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  The weather cooperated too.
It was so much cooler and cloudier that it helped us stay cool and comfortable
 At a gas station, Jorge meets up with a guy who just bought
a Kawasaki Concourse motorcycle.  They shared information.

As we are on the road, we notice a lot of old classic vehicles.
We have no idea where they were all heading but it
was neat seeing them pass us by.  I started counting
to see how many we would get until we got off the highway.
I counted ninety-six old cars.  There were also several
cars with trailers which Jorge and I assume had
the old classic cars in the trailers.  

In Mansfield, Ohio Jorge noticed this house and he knew
that I would be very interested in seeing it up close.  So
he took me there to see it.  This house was built in 1847.
It was owned and occupied by the family of Doctor Johannes Aten Jones
for 101 years.  It has seven gables and five double chimneys.
Louis Bromfield's memories of the home were the basis for 
"Shane's Castle" in his 1924 novel "The Green Bay Tree".

The most beautiful sign that I have ever seen.
It is so good to be back home in Indiana.

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