Saturday, December 3, 2011


On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me.......

How about three wooly sheep.  I have two dear friends, Ellen Murphy of American Homestead and Dawn Cornell owner of The Quilt Shoppe in Anderson, Indiana who are wool enthusiasts.  They have infected me with "woolitis".  I have bought several patterns to start working on in the coming year.

I bought a wall quilt kit titled "Wooly Sheep" with the purpose of giving this quilt as a Christmas gift to a friend of mine that raises sheep. It has been fun making it.  I truly am loving this new craft for me. 

If you're not sure about it, start out with a small project.  There are kits like this one and as small as a Christmas ornament.  If you are interested in doing a project like this one, you can contact Ellen Murphy at   She has two wool designs that are easy to make.  Also, if you are interested in purchasing the Wooly Sheep kit, here is the contact information:  Rachel's of Greenfield, 76 Greenfield Road, Lancaster, PA 17602,

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Irene, This is just lovely!! Is this your finished work of art?? I just may have to start this, but with something very small. I like the idea of an ornament! Lord's blessings to you all this wonderful Advent-tide :)
