Thursday, November 17, 2011


How do you give when your budget doesn't let give as generously as you would like?  You can easily brighten someone's day for little or no money, with just an investment of a little time.  These ideas I found in a magazine.

A    Ask someone to lunch at your house.
B.   Bake a special treat
C.   Call an old friend
D.   Deliver groceries or medicine to a shut-in
E.   Encourage someone
F.   Fix your family's favorite meal
G.  Give outgrown toys and clothing to charity.
H.  Hug a friend
I.    Invite a friend over for coffee
J.   Just do it - when you see a need, try to fill it.
L.  Lend a favorite book or movie
M.  Make a collage of photos in someone's honor.
N.  Nominate a deserving student, teacher, waitress or other worker for a reward.
O.  Offer to organize someone's recipes, junk drawer or closet.
P.  Pick up flowers for someone
Q.  Quench co-workers' thirst - treat them to a big thermos of hot cocoa.
R.  Read nostalgic poems and stories at a retirement center or nursing home.
S.  Send greeting cards to friends and family marking birthdays, anniversaries and more
T.  Take a walk with a friend.
U.  Use every opportunity to find and deliver sincere compliments.
V.  Volunteer at a soup kitchen or panty
W.  Write a letter.
X.  Exemplify extra effort in caring and sharing
Y.  Yield the choice of movie, restaurant, book club selection to someone else.
Z.  Zip through our day with a smile for all you meet.

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