Friday, May 13, 2011


In the almost 28 years of marriage, Jorge and I have been blessed with great neighbors.  We first lived in an apartment and above and across from us we had wonderful neighbors.  With one of them, we shared the joy of their expecting twins.  With the other neighbor, we shared the joy of going to his wedding.  In the apartment building, we relied on each other. 

Then we bought a house and moved from there.  Again we were blessed with wonderful neighbors.  Our next door neighbor would mourn with us as we experienced the many miscarriages.  They also shared in our joy when our firstborn, David, was born and then the birth of Chris.  We lived in that house for eleven years.  Our neighbor across the street from us always had banana popsicles for David and Chris.  We found out later on, that those are her favorite and she would only share them with my boys.  When we had the ice storm several years ago, we all helped each other out.  We had no power for ten days, but our neighbors helped us out until we had power. 

Again, we decided to move.  We have been living in our present home for almost 16 years.  And again, we have been blessed with wonderful neighbors.  We had an elderly neighbor where my boys loved going to visit.  She always had Little Debbie's cakes for them.  I remember one time I had no idea where Chris had gone to.  He was only seven years old and I found him sitting with Dorothy on her swing in the front porch just talking.  She passed away and a new family came to live there.  They are more than neighbors and friends, they are family.  Their two children love my boys.  For example, when Chris came home from boot camp, their son Colin was so happy to see him,  He was only  seven years old and was hugging Chris's legs telling him I so glad you're home. 

Our neighbors have been a blessing to us.  In the last several years, I've had to have surgeries and they have been there to help out.  How did they help?  They brought meals, did yardwork, took care of the dog, and when we had rabbits, they took care of them also.  Our neighbors are our family.  We look out for each other.  That is why we have not moved to be closer to Jorge's job because we love where we live and we love the people around us.

So I challenge you, do something nice for your neighbor.  It'll be good.

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