Friday, March 4, 2011


On Monday morning we woke up with water in our family room and my sewing room.  Our neighborhood was flooded.  It was the worst we've ever had since we moved here. 

The carpet in the family room was very wet.  We did not have inches of water but still, our carpet was very wet.  We started moving furniture and most of it is in the garage.  My good friend, Sherry, came with her shop vac and helped me soak up the water and lent me three heating fans.  We are still working on drying the carpet. 

Thankfully, my fabric in my sewing room did not get wet.  I have all my fabric in plastic storage bins.  So they stayed dried.  My book case did get wet and so did two baskets.  I'm hoping to get everything cleaned and organized so that I can get back to my sewing.  It could have been worse.

Needless to say, this flooding has provided an opportunity for us to get rid of things that had not been used for a while.  So, off I go to finish the downstairs and try to get things back in their places.

The dark area is the water on our carpet in the family room.

Jorge using our shampooer to soak up the water.  He was sick and only lasted 10 minutes doing this.  I sent him off to bed.

Water in one area of my sewing room.  The water is under my plastic bins.  Thankfully, I have a concrete floor in the sewing room so it made clean up easier.  But still it's not fun.

Chris got his pick up stuck in knee deep water.  This is what the grill looked like after the tower brought the car home.

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