Thursday, November 24, 2016


This Thanksgiving, Jorge and I will not have either one of our sons with us.
To be perfectly honest, I don't like it.
Living hundreds of miles away from them does not help.
But this is life and it is what it is.

Jorge and I are so thankful for the sons the Lord has blessed us with.
David, our oldest, is a wonderful son who works very hard
and is always helping those in need.
He has been blessed with an awesome wife,  Amber.
She is an answer to our prayers.
I don't know how she does it in supporting
him in a lot of his activities.

We're thankful for Chris, our youngest son.
He has always had a tender heart for the underdog.
I don't know how many times he has come to people's aid.
In a few weeks, he will marry his princess, Liz.
She too is an answer to our prayers.
She has such a zest for life.
To know that she will care and love my son is an
answer to a parent's prayer.

I'm thankful for my husband who has loved me for the last 33 years.
We've gone through our ups and downs
but he has always been there for me.
I'm so thankful that he is still alive from the 
motorcycle accident he had this past September.
I'm thankful that he wants to serve the Lord in the best way possible.

So yes, this year, our Thanksgiving is going to be different.
Our sons are not going to be with us but I am still thankful.
God has blessed me in so many ways.
We will be spending Thanksgiving with friends from church.
We will have fun  and it will be different.
So as you spend this day with your family,
reflect on the blessings that God has given you.

Happy Thanksgiving Graphics