Jorge and I have lived in our home for almost 20 years.
Our sons grew up in this home.
Many kids have come and gone.
We homeschooled all the way through in this home.
Our mailman loved coming to our home because
he never knew what he would find in our front yard.
I still remember vividly my boys and the neighbors' kids
re-enacting the Civil War using my bed sheets!
They re-eancted the American Revolution in the front yard,
World War II, the Trojan War, and more.

Chris always had his own unique way of studying.
Many meals have been prepared in this home.
Feeding two hungry boys and their friends was always on the agenda.
When David went through his five hand surgeries,
his friends came over a day or two before the surgery to play Halo.
I prepared a lot of food for those young men.
Neither Jorge nor I minded it at all.
We have no idea how many people we've had over for a meal.

Having wonderful neighbors has been such a blessing.
They've been there for us and we have been there for them.
They're not only neighbors and friends but they're family.
We love them dearly and spending time with them is always a blessing.

So it is bittersweet for Jorge and me as we start a new chapter in our lives.
As we get our house ready to put on the market,
I'm ever so grateful for the wonderful neighborhood that
we have lived for almost 20 years.
If this house could talk, I can only imagine the things it would share.
We've experience joy and happiness in this home.
Jorge and I look forward to making new memories in our new home.