Friday, August 26, 2011


As I got up this morning, the field behind my yard had the morning fog with the sun reflecting on it.  There is such a beauty in the early morning that once the sun has set, the muted images that the fog makes are gone.  So I took my camera and ventured out to take pictures and see what beaut I would find.  I was filled with awe as I saw simple things be beautiful in the early morning.  I am so glad I did not miss out on the beauty that God allowed me to see today.  Take time to see the beauty  in the early morning or at any time of the day.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I started getting interested in quilts when I got married 28 years ago (August 20th). When I was a newlywed, I didn't know how to do a lot of things let alone quilting.  But soon enough I fell in love with the designs and the endless possibilities.

Quilts can provide endless opportunities for coziness.  Quilts are wonderful piled on top of a hutch.  They can also brighten up a room.  People might think that quilts are only good for decorating in winter.  But there can always be a place for quilts any time of the year.

The bed is the perfect place for quilts.  But quilts can be used outside for a picnic, looking at the stars or even an outdoor wedding.  Quilts can be set on a vintage wicker chair in the back porch and enjoy listening and watching the birds.

Whatever you decide to do with your quilts, it's okay because quilts are made to be used and loved.  Just ask my sons, their quilts are very loved.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


My son is finally home from Afghanistan.  The unit that he was in was a specialized unit.  They were the Agribusiness Development Team.  Their mission was to teach the Afghanis better farming techniques.  Our family is happy to be finally reunited.  As the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words, so I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Monday, August 8, 2011


This past weekend I had to be in Bowling Green, Kentucky to photograph a wedding.  That turned out really well.  But during the trip to Bowling Green I had to exercise extreme self-control in not stopping at the historical sites and quilt shop.  My time was limited but on the way home, I did make a pit stop.

I went to the Abraham Lincoln birthplace.  Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin near Sinking Springs in rural Kentucky.  As the 16th president, his policies and politics saved the Union and ended slavery in the United States.  The Lincoln family lived here from 1808 to 1811.  They then moved to Knob Creek and lived there from 1811 to 1816.

The picture below shows the Memorial Building where a log cabin originally accepted as the birthplace cabin of Abraham Lincoln.  The cabin is old and typical to the area, it's not the original Lincoln cabin.

The Sinking Spring was a dependable water source on the Lincoln farm

The Lincoln family Bible

As Abraham Lincoln grew from infancy, a young oak sapling grew near their cabin.  Until its death in 1976, the Boundary Oak was the last link of the farm where he spent the first two years of his life.

In 1811 the Lincoln's moved 10 miles northeast to a farm on Knob Creek where the soil was richer.  Lincoln's view on slavery may have been formed on Knob Creek.  The Lincoln's belonged to an antislavery church. 

The picture below is a placard about Lincoln's friend.  The lore is that Austin Gollaher saved Lincoln's life from drowning in Knob Creek.  They were jumping rocks when Lincoln was swept into the rushing water.  Gollaher held a branch out to his friend and saved his life.  If this story is true, imagine what the United States would be now if Lincoln had drowned.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I've been working on a baby quilt for a friend of mine and I wanted to do something different.  So I decided to try something different with the binding.  So here is what I did.

I cut long strips of the width of fabric on the crosswise straight grain in the width I wanted which was 2 1/4".  I used the fabrics that I used on the quilt.  I joined the strips with 1/4" seam allowances to make a striped binding set.  You can press the seam allowances open or to one side. 

I cut bias strips from the binding sets in the width I need for the quilt.

I joined the strips to make a continuous bias strip.

I sewed the binding onto the quilt using a 1/4" seam allowance.

I turned the binding over the edge of the quilt to the back.  I hand-stitched the binding to the backing fabric making sure I covered the binding stitching line. 

This was the first time that I have made this type of binding.  It turned out better than I had expected.  So try something new that you have never done.  You will be pleasantly surprised.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Today I joined my girlfriends at the local quilt shop to sew.  I was determined to get this baby quilt completed since it is six weeks overdue.  A sweet young lady had a baby girl and she told me what her colors were.  So with information in hand, I started today on the quilt.

Here are the fabrics that I chose.  Each of them were not solid fabrics but had subtle designs on them.

I got the idea for the quilt from this book.  It was very easy and quick to do.  The instructions and pictures were very clear and easy to follow.

After six hours of cutting, sewing, and more sewing, the quilt as finished.  I was pretty happy with the way it turned out.  Now to quilt it and send it out.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Some time this month my oldest son will be coming home from Afghanistan.  Our family is so looking forward to having him home.  We are so proud of him as he has served his country. 

Enjoy watching these welcome home videos but make sure you have tissue with you.